I just wanted to take a minute to put an upcoming event in Ottawa on your radar.
Indochino, a (Canadian!) custom menswear company is coming to Ottawa next week as part of its Travelling Tailorpromotion and from what I've heard from friends in Vancouver and Calgary this is like the Apple Store of menswear.
Now if you don't think style is all that important in the public service, I'd encourage you to check out this piece I wrote on the confluence of style and the public service for Apartment613. It was crafted after a conversation with Ottawa based fashionista (and public servant) Jes Lacasse. Ironically one of the things that didn't make the final cut of my article on Apt613 was my lamentation about the lack of quality men's clothing in Ottawa; the nice thing about Indochino is that once you are measured up and in their system you can simply order custom suits/shirts as needed without having to go into a store front.
Below is a video outlining a bit more about the company/process for those who are interested. I should probably also mention that if you RSVP your custom fitting in advance you get a free custom dress shirt with every suit purchase you purchase (not a bad deal if you are in the market for a new look).
The event runs in Ottawa from April 24th to April 28th.
See you there.
Originally published by Nick Charney at cpsrenewal.ca
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