Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Update: Armchair Discussion May 10th

Hi All - just wanted to blog this quick for those of you following the blog but not using twitter.

I will participating in an armchair discussion at the Canada School of Public Service on Monday, May the 10th from 1:00pm-3:30. Here are the details quoted verbatim from the School:

May 10, 2010 | 1:00 p.m to 3:30 p.m. (ET)

The Implications and Use of Social Media for Employee Engagement in Values and Ethics

Language: English Presentation; Bilingual Panel Discussion

Harnessing new technologies to enable the workplace presents both exciting opportunities and elements of risk. These tools create new possibilities for engaging employees and for renewing our workplace ethical culture. During this discussion, the speakers will talk about their approach and experience with incorporating social media into ethics programming for employees.

You are invited to attend this session at 65 Guigues Street (Ottawa) by clicking on "Register" below. If you cannot attend in person, tune in via Webcast (live video and audio feed) by clicking on "Register - Webcast".


Ms. Kathleen Edmond, Esq. is the Chief Ethics Officer.

Mr. Gil Dennis is the Senior Director of Organizational Effectiveness at Best Buy Corporation.

Colin McKay is the Director of Research, Education and Outreach at the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.

Nicholas Charney is a Policy Analyst with Indian and Northern Affairs.

You can get more information and/or register here... if you ask me the real draw of this event will be my friend and colleague Colin McKay - that guy cracks me up.


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