Friday, November 25, 2011

Authenticity is my only metric

My thoughts are a mess - this week has been intense both on and off the ice; invariably many thoughts have passed through my head, but I haven't had the time I need to collect them.

That said, I suggest you read the transcript from this year's Gordon Osbaldeston Lecture given by Allan Gregg (a man I respect greatly, and who is far more informative than I).  Gregg's thesis can be summed up as civil society (elected officials, public servants, and citizens) need to be more authentic.  

It's a thesis I agree with, one that any proponent of open government or open data will agree with, and one that I have strived for in this space since its very inception.

When the dust settles and my career comes to an end, authenticity will be my only metric.

Originally published by Nick Charney at
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