Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Out Of the Woods

by Kent Aitken RSS / cpsrenewalFacebook / cpsrenewalLinkedIn / Kent Aitkentwitter / kentdaitkengovloop / KentAitken

A while back, Nick wrote a post called Mea Culpa: We Are All Too Busy. Today's post for me is a mirror image of that one. Over the last month and a half I've knocked off school exams, a move, and an extremely time-consuming personal project. I really enjoy my weekly commitment (goal?) to CPSRenewal but if I don't think I can write something worthwhile, I tend not to write at all. 

Which I tend to feel guilty about. One of my first posts on CPSRenewal was called What You're Giving Now? You Can Never Give Less which included the idea that workload would fluctuate, but it still bothers me to back off things I care about. I was happy to hear a few other public servants talking about this idea recently, referring to sprint and recovery periods for work and projects. I appreciated it as much for the mental model as for the fact that I'm not the only one to have reservations about the recovery periods.

But, I think I'm out of the woods now, and looking forward to getting back to it.

In the meantime, a quick link dump of journalists' takes on the zeitgeist in Canadian governance right now:

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