Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Email Rant: 10 Second Commute

It's been awhile since we did an email rant. So without further ado.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike
To: Nick
Subject: 10 second commute



-----Original Message-----
From: Nick
To: Mike
Subject: RE: 10 second commute

and yet we are looking for what, an additional 4 million square feet of commercial real estate?

Who's brand is #2 globally? Oh that's right IBM!

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike
To: Nick
Subject: RE: 10 second commute

post both links on the blog... though with a more diplomatic spin

-----Original Message-----
From: Nick
To: Mike
Subject: RE: 10 second commute

btw did I mention that this podcast (c/o Deloitte) points to the fact that during hard economic times the government should be looking to reduce its capital expenditures and re-examine its real estate portfolio... (have I pushed you over the edge yet?)

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike
To: Nick
Subject: RE: 10 second commute

you no doubt heard on the radio this morning that they're looking at about 4 big purchases... all at the same time and therefore artificially spiking up demand

-----Original Message-----
From: Nick
To: Mike
Subject: RE: 10 second commute

yes. I actually like what the urban planner said yesterday morning on CBC about looking at commercial investments along the existing and planned transit way... that is, of course, if we had transit operators...

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike
To: Nick
Subject: RE: 10 second commute

that best brand slide show isn't necessarily about best people to work for - though there is probably a distinct correlation.

-----Original Message-----
To: Mike
Subject: RE: 10 second commute

i know but I am sure they also rank highly on employers... this is from 05 but I doubt much has changes since then, they probably still rank in the top 100.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike
To: Nick
Subject: RE: 10 second commute


----Original Message-----
From: Nick
To: Mike
Subject: RE: 10 second commute

way to disprove the point and derail the rant - IBM Canada, not on that list... thanks a lot.

----Original Message-----
From: Mike
To: Nick
Subject: RE: 10 second commute


----Original Message-----
From: Nick
To: Mike
Subject: RE: 10 second commute



  1. It's interesting to note that the Ontario Public Service and the City of Vancouver are on that list. If the provincial and municipal governments can make it on there, what's stopping us?


  2. As far as the capital expenditures, I totally agree with you.

    However, I think there might be some Nortel buildings that will become available shortly for a decent price...
